On 8th of March the team of Eckener-Schule Flensburg hosted the pre-workshop webinar regarding Cobots in Industry 4.0. Cobots are collaborative robots which are getting more and more popular in manny industries. Compared to classic robots cobots do not need complex housing and safety requirements. This is one aspect of others why cobots are well suited for teaching at schools. Within the teaching concept of Eckener-Schule cobots are considered in a holistic approach. The teacher team presented its concept which is to tried out in the workshop in Flensburg in May, 9th-13th.

The Eckener-Schule „Cobot“-Team

Workprocess-orientation is the didactical approach to design learning experiences

Heinz and Markus from HTL ST. Pölten are programming the cobot at Eckener-Schule Flensburg

The participants studied learning material about cobots
17 teachers were guests at Eckener-Schule Flensburg to experience teaching practice about collaborating robots (cobots) in Industry 4.0. The novel robots notice when you get too close to them and therefore do not need elaborate safety precautions. The programming is designed intuitively and is really fun. The school is planning to purchase more cobots from Universal Robots, a company from Denmark.

Constantien explained how first movements of the cobot can be programmed.

Marcus from HTL St. Pölten evaluated an examination task which is part of the learning material Eckener-Schule Flensburg has developed.
In addition to simple pick and place tasks, the cobots can be integrated into more complex processes. The team of teachers at the Eckener Schule has developed comprehensive training material that, in addition to simple pick and place tasks, also leads to the control of more complex processes. Inspiration for the learning tasks came from the cooperation between our technical school (FSTuG) and the Multiflex company in Flensburg, which was also visited during the training week.
Application of a cobot with in the production line at Multiflex company in Flensburg.