Despite times of crisis, the Erasmus+ project „Netkom_4.0_v.2“ launches the first joint learning week in Lithuania. The biat coordinates the Strategic Partnership of six VET institutions from Norway, Germany, Lithuania, Austria and Portugal. Their participants intend to develop and test new learning concepts in the context of Industry 4.0. The Vilnius College of Technologies and Design (VTDK) is making a start in the 4-day training course. The focus is on so-called „Science Shops“, a research-based learning approach that the school from the Baltic States has been practising and continuously developing since 2016. The Science Shops, which usually last one semester, make a contribution to society and are usually carried out with non-profit institutions in a cost-neutral way. During the training week, the participating teachers from the partner countries were able to try out the approach themselves from a student role and later reflect on it from their institutional perspective. Learning together motivated the international group and led to an intensive exchange. The partners from Vilnius thanked the consortium for the visit to the Baltic States especially against the background of the war in Ukraine. The visit once again shows the great importance of international partnerships and the call to establish them permanently with teachers and students.

Axel Grimm, Constantin Spöttl, Nils Kafka and Maik Jepsen in front of the Vilnius College of Technologies and Design (from left)

Joaquim Sapateino is presenting the results of the „science shops“ concept which was experienced during the training week in Vilnius.
Already in the second week of May, the consortium will come to the Eckener School in Flensburg to experience teaching practice about Collaborating Robots in Industry 4.0. Biat accompanies the events and evaluates conditions that contribute to the success of teacher professionalisation.