
NetKom 4.0 v.2 – Abschlussveranstaltung
29.08.2023 im biat (Oslo 040) der Europa-Universität Flensburg 14:00-16:00 auch Online

Die Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt, insbesondere im Kontext von Industrie 4.0, erfordert von zukünftigen Fachkräften vielfältige fachliche und interdisziplinäre Kompetenzen.NetKom4.0 v.2 ist ein Erasmus+ Projekt, in dem Lehrkräfte berufsbildender Institutionen aus Norwegen, Litauen, Österreich, Portugal und Deutschland verschiedene Unterrichtskonzepte für zukünftige Fachkräfte im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 entwickeln, gemeinsam erproben und öffentlich teilen.In der Abschlussveranstaltung stellen

NetKom 4.0 v.2 – Abschlussveranstaltung
29.08.2023 im biat (Oslo 040) der Europa-Universität Flensburg 14:00-16:00 auch Online
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Joint staff training event: Concepts for learning location cooperation 4.0

Finnaly – after strike of public transport – the last joint staff training event was hold in Dillenburg/Germany in last april week. Our project partner „Gewerbliche Schulen Dillenburg“ (GSD) hosted this event in central Hessen region. The principe of GSD, Jonas Dormagen, welcomed the international delegation at his new renovated vocational school. The GSD is

Joint staff training event: Concepts for learning location cooperation 4.0 Read More »

Webinar regarding „learning location cooperation“ March 1st 2023

The Gewerbliche Schulen des Lahn-Dill-Kreises (GSD) invited to the last webinar within the NetKom4.0v.2 project. Jonas Dormagen, the headmaster of GSD presented together with his team the specific VET-programs offered in Dillenburg. The international audience got a first impression about the German vocational system. Dillenburg is located in the state Hessen in the middle of

Webinar regarding „learning location cooperation“ March 1st 2023 Read More »

Webinar about „Production planning an Contron in Industriy 4.0“

Fagskolen i Viken hosted the new webinar „Production planning ans production control in complex ans authentic Industry 4.0 environments“ on 28th September. Hjörtur demonstraded how a complex Industry 4.0 Lab could be implemented in different VET programs. One function of the webinar is to get the relevant teaching staff of ech partner institution involved and

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Short term teacher training in Lisbon

From 12th-16th September our partner atec hosted the next short term teacher training event in Palmela/Portugal. The importance of IoT-Security was the overriding topic. Beside issues of the learning content the collegues gave us insights to a project-oriented learning method. Interdisciplinary students teams are presenting their learning tasks. One outstandig aspect of this approach is,

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