The Gewerbliche Schulen des Lahn-Dill-Kreises (GSD) invited to the last webinar within the NetKom4.0v.2 project.

Jonas Dormagen, the headmaster of GSD presented together with his team the specific VET-programs offered in Dillenburg. The international audience got a first impression about the German vocational system.

Dillenburg is located in the state Hessen in the middle of Germany.

Close learning cooperation between a vocational school and the companies is one success factor of the German vocational education system. GSD demonstrates how this concept can be succsessfully implemented.

One highlight will be the visit of company Rittal, which forms close cooperation with GSD. The partnership will get insights of modern smat factories.

Wolfgang Hill highlights the important aspect of ethics in the context of digitalisation in the special context of Industry 4.0. In the workshop it is planned to discuss this topic deeper especially the role of educational institution.